this is my first ever blog, so forgive me in advance. this will be random, and rarely updated. basically, i’m bored.
so i’m sitting here at work (country inn) and i’ve already checked my email (three times, both accounts), my online banking (yes! still have money!), and read strong bad’s new email (eh, so-so). what else is left? what else is out there? ahh… addictinggames.com. maybe i should be playing fishy, but no… i’m creating a blog. be grateful. greatful. whatever.
SO i’m student teaching in a kindergarten classroom. a.m. and p.m., 21 kids in each class. and names like shamesha and da’vontae. i love it. except for this one teacher… who finds it her place to cut of my legs at the knees my second week there. she basically calls me unorganized, unprofessional, and, well, a bad teacher. ugh. i find out later (after many days of agonizing stress and contimplations of dropping out of school five weeks before graduation) that she’s an old, stubborn, stuck-in-her-ways woman who makes herself feel better by making sure everyone else knows how bad they are. or at least how they’re not as good as her. i LOVE people like that! grrrr. 2 weeks down… 5 to go.
in other news.. one of my little kindergartners, dakota (i have FOUR dakotas…) got run over by a golf cart. how sad is that?? he had huge scrapes all over his body and a dislocated shoulder that his granpa had pushed in himself. 🙁
i can’t think of anything else to say.
if you have any sites of interest that i could waste my time at, let me know. oh, and let me know if anyone is even reading these.
So for some reason, this post showed up on my Google Reader today. 🙂 It was fun to reread, remembering the days of when you were student teaching and working at Country Inn & Suites. Ah 🙂