congratulations, ashley and paul! yesterday, paul asked ashley to be his wife! the whole story is here: read it; it’s cute. i am so happy for them – they are the CUTEST.

sigh, to be young and engaged. the only milemarker i have left in my love life is kids, stretch marks, and fat thighs.

maybe i should talk about happier things…

seriously, i’ve noticed that my blogs tend to be pessimistic and sarcastic. that’s funny because that’s not who i am in real life. does it seem that way to anyone else? maybe this is my alter ego’s chance to escape. maybe it’s sick of the peppy cheery speak. and i can’t realistically be sarcastic in a kindergarten classroom, so it doesn’t get much escape. this must be my healthy, theraputic alternative.

did i use ‘alter ego’ correctly? it occurred to me that i’m not entirely sure of the meaning. that’s what happens to one’s mind when constantly surrounded by five-year-olds. and then going home to a nano-satellite-technology-obsessed husband who insists on explaining to me every detail on his new discoveries in attitude control (this is what keeps the satellite from careening out of control once in earth’s orbit). oh wow… some of it’s starting to sink in! so you see, my intellectual life is kinda unbalanced, which unbalances all other aspects of my life as well.

that’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it.

wow, did i drift off-subject or what.