i’m a college grad. i’m a taylor alumnus. alumni. alum. and to prove it, i’ll show you the receipt for the $1 i already gave them as such.
the graduation ceremony was beautiful. you could tell a lot of prayer went into it. for example: it was the first day in two weeks where not only were there no storms, but there were blue skies! and a lot of sunburnt noses. every member of the class of 2004 now has the ‘mark of the grad’ – a v-shaped tanline on the forehead. except deborah moody, whose hat flew off while singing in chorale.
i didn’t get to see melissa. i did get to hug lori. and we got a picture. ashley spent the night. paul’s there as we speak. everyone else is gone. i’ll get over it; i always do.
so far, being a college grad is fun. i’ve gotten a lot of money. that’s always good. i’ve also gotten a lot of dessert. i got free cheesecake at the icehouse because the waitress misunderstood kasper’s sarcastic remark on it being my birthday. but i accepted it, on the grounds that i felt college graduation was a better reason for free cheesecake than a birthday anyway. it could also be considered an early anniversary cheesecake. since our first anniversary is on wednesday. anyway, that night josh, paul, ashley, and i went out to applebees for desserts and drinks. yep, that’s right folks. we were no longer under the ltc, and we were all over 21, and we designated a driver, and we ordered ourselves some drinks. nothing unlawful. nothing unbiblical. nothing unchristian. 🙂 nothing you can do about it either. and today we went to ivanhoes and i got myself all fat on icecream. so.. the ‘real world’s’ been pretty good to us so far.
so i just realized that i haven’t been talking at all about our plans for the future. for those of you who don’t talk to me on a regular basis… you have no clue. you also don’t know that i have this smooth sultry voice thing going on because of the accumulation of kindergarten germs that culminated in a recent chest cold. i sound sexy.
you’re right, flash.. i need attitude control…
anyway, my future! josh and i are going to purdue in the fall where he’s working towards a graduate degree (he hasn’t decided if he wants masters or doctorate) in electrical and computer engineering. i’m currently looking up job openings in the west lafayette area elementary schools. well, i’m trying to look them up. something always holds me back. i can’t really look very long before i find myself at addictinggames.com or some similarly distracting site (such as blogger.com)instead. silly subconcience. subconscious. subconshus. don’t you realize that your immaturity is costing me a finacially secure future?
ha! so i’m working at the hotel… and a guest who comes regularly just asked me whether i’ve put out my resume. he’s holding me accountable! i’m glad God uses people like that in my life to keep me on track. isn’t it funny? that He would use a complete stranger? the wonders never cease.
to continue on with the parts of our future that we do know, or are almost decided on, at least… we think we’re going to live in married student housing. it’s not the biggest. in fact, it’s quite small. but it’s cheap. and it’s on campus, so josh won’t have to walk (parking on campus is out of the question – you thought taylor was bad!). all utilities are included. we could even get high speed internet for $50/year. or maybe it was per semester. either way, that’s pretty good. we would get a two bedroom… for the child— i mean josh’s office…
that’s right. no kids. the plan is not until after grad school. sometimes i whimper and whine and demand a baby. other times i’m glad josh has the good sense to see that financially, emotionally, spiritually… we’re not ready. but babies are so CUTE! 😀
well, that’s all the future-planning that we’ve done at the point in time.
i’m going to go do something worth-while…
like read harry potter.
look at me i blog again!
yeah i know it was cheap. i just wanted you to read my blog. okay so i’ll comment. it’s exciting being done isn’t it? i am having the same trouble getting motivated to get the resume’ thing done and sent out. before you go down to purdue we have to get together for drinks or something. is that sufficient commenting on your fabulous bloggage? later skater!
If you filled out your online job thingey that Taylor gave you (online portfolio or something liek that) then you can just send that link in your resume to the schools, and that could help speed up the process. Though, if you sent your resumes already, this is too late… yeah… Well have a good one.