i had a huge long updated post and was almost finished when… ie went poopy. grrrrrr. send error report?! i’ll send an error report! right up your… er… nose.

now it’s lost forever. nothing is ever done with the same gusto, expression, ferver, excitement, or manner as the first.

so i apologize, but this is going to be dull, dry, and boring.

first off. sorry i haven’t been online for a month. i told you i can’t be on my boss’s computer, but recent developments have prohibited me from partaking in domestic internet experiences as well. our neighbors, with whom we have been sharing wireless internet, moved one apartment over, placing too much space and too many walls in between their antennae and our laptop. so we no longer get any service.

“so how am i online right now?” you ask? nevermind.

second off. josh didn’t get a math assitantship at purdue in west lafayette. so if iupui gives us any help at all, we’ll be in indianapolis for the next 4 years. i’m not sure i like that, to be brutally honest. i’m petrified of large cities. by the way, i found out the correct way to pronounce the name of that school. turns out it’s oo-ee-poo-ee. not I-U-P-U-I. say it with me. oo-ee-poo-ee. that’s right

what else did i have to say..?

oh, i’m leaving for michigan right after work today (after i pack, assuming josh hasn’t done that… cuz he hasn’t… cuz he’s a boy.) we’re going to be staying at the foso house in holland until monday. fun times! and i made cookies.*


i got to play computer technician at work yesterday. i got paid to sit back here and search & destroy 222 spywares and adwares and 1 virus, thus increasing processing speed tenfold. then today, on the computer upfront, i installed more recent virus software (they had mcafee ’96!) and solved 462 more viral issues. so far i’ve held every position here except manager. and i still haven’t gotten a raise. that’s right, front desk, common area/laundry housekeeper, real-honest-to-goodness-cleanin-rooms housekeeper, computer technician… honestly. i don’t care if they do catch me on this stupid computer… they can’t afford to loose such a valuable asset as myself.

well, it’s time to end the shift.

sorry that was so dry, boring, and dull.

i have the hiccups.

josh just called – he’s actually packing!!


*don’t use black pans when baking cookies. turns out 9 minutes burns cookies on black pans.