i’m not pregnant. there. now that that’s out of the way, you can concentrate on the rest of this blog.
i have a job at gray road christian school. it’s over full time, and pays decent for a small broke christian school (the janitors at IPS make more than me…)
i teach the three year olds on tuesdays and thursdays.
the three year olds that come mondays wednesdays and fridays (because of working parents or whatnot) go to ‘clubhouse’ which is a relaxed, fun, educational half-day thing – i do that too.
so that’s monday – friday with three year olds from 8:00 til 11:15.
from 12:30 till 3:15 i am in the combined 4/5th grade classroom where i teach 5th grade reading and help out as an aide for science, which taught to all of them at once.
then from 3:15 til 5:30 i supervise ‘aftercare’ (for those who’s mom’s can’t pick them up til whenever). we have fun making up games that we think should be in the next olympics. if you see the lacrosse longthrow or volleyball doublebounce in the 2008 olympics, that’s all me baby.
so M-F, 7:30-5:30. whatever pays off those expensive private christian university bills. which, by the way… i’m supposed to tell them i moved, aren’t i. crap.
let’s see what else is new.
our apartment is all set up and very homey already. we were able to actually screw things into the walls so we could put up a bunch of stuff that just sat in our closets in briarwood (they have a strict nail-size policy). josh finished the fishtankstandholderthingy and it’s gorgeiouas. i chose the stain and it doesn’t match any other piece of furniture we own. so it fits in perfectly.
well, i’m spent.
by the way, we only have free dial up, and everytime we connect, it takes one of our 45 local calls a month (we broke, so we have the cheapest phone plan possible), so we try to only connect once a day. there. that should be a good enough excuse for now.
love you all and PRAISE GOD for everything that fell into place in my life. (think: “to Him who is able to keep you from falling…”) i’ve got the benidiction thing goin on here.
good night!!
(name the passage that benediction came from and you get a prize)
Why Beth that is from Jude 1:24, of the NIV variety… 🙂
yay, flash! and for your prize – a piece off josh’s computer!!! i’ll just need your mailing address and we’ll be all set. 😀
what!?! not pregnant!?! i shall never speak to you again
Yeah, you are still not pregnate? I though you were going to give FOSO the floor baby we’ve always wanted.
sorry boys…
Thats too sad, if you were pregnant, and were going to have a boy, would you name him after me? Henry Zapf. That sounds like a fine name! 🙂 He could even come see me from time to time and I would spoil him 🙂