i would like to take this opportunity to personally thank frankie for never giving up on this blog. i hereby declare you This Blog’s Most Faithful Reader. congratulations! what are you going to do now?
so, what have i done in the past month of blog-silence? umm… i still work 10hr days… i try to sleep more… and i try to convince josh that getting a B in grad school isn’t the end of life as we know it.
speaking of josh and grad school… he’s going to be working on Taylor’s satellite for his assistantship, and writing his thesis on his attitute control thingamabob, so that’s really cool. he might even be able to graduate early because he’s done so much work on that crap… er… stuff… already. and he might be going to reno in january to see if taylor wins the satellite contest. but he says i can’t come unless i wanna buy my own ticket out there. stupid taylor. don’t they realize how much i have put into this satellite? i went out to TWO satellite conferences in Utah already. i stayed up all frickin night with the rest of them to take pictures of their last-minute craziness. and most importantly, i put up with two and a half years of neglect from a husband who couldn’t leave nussbaum to save his life. I DESERVE RENO.
yay, i hear josh doing dishes. sigh. it’s a beautiful sound.
now i’m trying to think of any three-year-old-stories that i could tell you… i don’t think i’ve told you very many at all, and that’s a real shame cuz they’re priceless. did i tell you about my one boy who got suspended for a week for hitting a teacher in the nose? that’s right. a three-year-old who got suspended for taking down a teacher. it wasn’t me that he hit, it was his afternoon teacher. it was really wierd, too, cuz he had been having a great day, he even was my line leader. (by the way, this is the same boy who locked himself in the handicapped stall, if you read my earlier blog about my boys). They were in the bathroom and he was trying to wash his hands. but our bathrooms are not age appropriate for my three-year-olds, so this boy (he’s the smallest) has to hoist himself up onto the sink to reach the faucet to wash his hands. Anyways, the afternoon teacher sees that he is slipping off the sink and so she goes in to help him back up, and he goes to elbow her in the face! he missed (the first time) and she said “DON’T hit the teacher!” and so he starts to slip again and she goes in again to help him back up and this time he yells “NO” and swings his elbow back with all his little three-year-old strength and makes contact with her nose (right at the sensitive spot between the nostrils). the teacher stands back and covers her nose because she’s sure it’s bleeding, and blinks back the tears as the rest of the boys crowd around the guilty party and go, “you hit the teacher!!” “you’re not supposed to hit the teacher!!” “Why did you hit the teacher??” and one boy comes and gets me (i’m right next door getting ready to go up to fourth and fifth grade) and says “The teacher got hit!” So i take the guilty boy down to the principals office and we don’t see him again for a week. it was a quiet week.
well, that’s all i can think of for now, besides josh is antsy; he wants the computer back. (he’s the reason i’ve not been able to blog, if you’re looking for someone to blame.)
don’t know when i’ll be able to blog again… hopefully soon!
by the way, i’m pregnant.
Yay! Now we can have a FOSO floor kid!!
I knew you were up to no good while you weren’t blogging! Haha, I told you this one was coming 🙂
Thanks for the dedication. I am going to celebrate your news and then get married this summer to top it off 🙂
What have you done in silence has been told 🙂
Congratulations, and remember, if it’s a boy, call him Henry 🙂
woah woah woah – you’re pregnant? and when were you planning on telling me? i want details!
Oh, I could not be happier. Congratulations!
So, how’d it happen?
You need to email heather willman because she is very upset with you that you didn’t tell her that FOSO is getting a floor kid. her email address: hjwillman@hotmail.com
How’d it happen! Who put that! Of course we know how it happened…
Apparently they arent married 🙂
well, once again she’s on a drought of not writing again, but this time we know she is not getting pregnant. Impossible at this point, fortunately. Too many Zapf’s at once might be more than I can handle!
I will admit, I went on a 4-day drought of checking your blog, I was away with family in Pennsylvania. However, I still saw no news. Is it a boy? Girl? Do you know? Twins? Quads? Octuplets?
Just remember, be fat July 2nd 🙂