that title is dedicated to ashalily.

so i went to the doctOr (thanks frankie) yesterday to hear the baby’s heartbeat. yay!

but she couldn’t find it. boo.

she also made me pee in a cup again. booo.

she said that either my uterus is ‘retroverted’ which i think means backwards? (she said not to worry about it…) or my own heartbeat was so rediculously loud that it smothered the sounds my baby could have been making. i’m already sensing that this baby could be more like josh than me…

then she scheduled me for an utrasound, which i went to today.

so i got to sleep in today! all the way til 7:30 ( a whole hour and a half!) and went to my appointment at 8:45.

i still didn’t get to hear the heartbeat. but i got to SEE it!! the baby is so tiny! but still somehow bigger than i thought. it’s an inch long from “crown to rump” which is the scientific way of saying “head to butt.”

and i got pictures!! but i still haven’t figured out how to post pictures on blogger, so i’m going to need a tutorial.

anyway, it’s 10:30pm and i’m tired, so good night!