there were quiite a few questions and commentts concerning my late fissh, cowboy, so i decided thaat i should blogg more about hiim instead of the genderr of my chilld, which nobody asked me about… at all.
salt water fish have no guarantee. they are quite the gamble. it’s not like walmart where you can take the dead fish back up to three days later and get a refund or replacement. as soon as that fish leaves the store, they have your money and you have your fish, dead or alive.
so, in light of that information, and knowing the deathrate of saltwater fish is quite high in the first weeks of life in a new home, (frankie) i did not get very attached to cowboy right away. and it’s a good thing i didn’t. because he died less than 24 hours later. crap, that reminds me, i forgot to watch 24 this week… what was i thinking?
ashley, no, i have no clue what was wrong exactly with cowboy. i do know that butterflies are skittish fish and they scare very easily. so the move was a very tramatic thing for him. also, i don’t think the pet store had had him very long (he’s a popular fish) so there were probably two big moves within a very short time that accounted for his untimely death. and no, i don’t think we will get another one, at least not right away. we will probably research some heartier fish that would be more likely to survive.
and melissa, it was not my fault he died, i assure you that you can trust us with your pets. i mean, come on! we’re parents already! if we can handle a kid, we can handle a pet.
speaking of being parents…
it’s too bad nobody cared enough to ask whether i have a malachi or olivia…
so sad for you.
those feeder goldfish that cost like twenty cents or something a pop can make good pets. they either die right away or it’s almost impossible to kill them. so if they die you don’t feel bad cause they cost you a can of pop or less.
ok, ok… which is it? years of agression taken out on you or years of mood swings straight from the g-machine at NASA? (in other words, boy or girl?) 🙂
read her post again really closely… and you’ll see whether it’s a boy or girl! 🙂
i dont get it. but beth, you are parents to be, unless i missed something very important. it will get harder with that screaming at night and whatnot. good luck!
melissa, i’ve read and reread your comment and it just doesn’t seem coherant to me. at first i thought i was just tired, but i reread it again today, and… yeah, what does that have to do with anything?
oh, ok, melissa, i reread my blog and you were responding to the ‘we’re parents’ comment. well, i consider us parents already… we’re just in the really easy stage right now 🙂
Good eyes, Ashley! Now I see it. So it looks like the babies name will be the one I voted for!
Either I’m stupid (yeah) or else the post was edited, because I dont see it. I is also badly at english, so i isnot the goodest person two bee luking fer miss takes.
frankie- you are not stupid. i read the darn thing about 10 times and i dont see it either. and im smart =) and since i didnt know she was even going to find out about this gender, im still waiting to hear what it is.
Look at the beginning.
Sorry, Beth if I am giving too much info away.
melissa, i blogged about wanting to find out the gender, you just must not read my blog faithfully enough…
frankie and melissa, i’m not blogging about until you find the answer. hurry up! i want to blog about baby names!
seltzer, that’s ok, they need all the help they can get. but don’t go giving them the answer or anything…
blogging abouut wanting to know the gender and blogging about the fact that you found out the gender are two different thingss. and youu know what? just to spite you for being succh a trickky person, i wont tell you even if i do figure it out!
yay! melissa got it! she’s so smart… maybe i should blog about names now… nah, i’ll wait til frankie get it.