Josh thinks I need to get my driver’s lisence here in Indiana. My Illinois one is still good through 2008. Plus, it’s a dang good picture. Now I’m all pregnant and swollen and I really don’t want proof of that for the next five years. Plus, I like being a resident of Illinois. And furthermore, I would have to take the stupid test. Just the written one, mind you, but Josh had to take it and he said some of the questions are ridiculous. Like for example: They had a blank white rectangle and asked, “What kind of sign is this? A) Informational B) Regulatory C)Something Else I Don’t Remember.” How silly is that?! It’s not like I look at road signs and say, “My, I had better obey that Regulatory Sign!” Let’s see how many of you can get that right, by the way. Without looking it up. That’s cheating. Those DMV smucks are just out to get you because they’re mad they coudn’t get a better job. And I don’t want to give them the satisfactory of failing me. And my final reason: My Illinois license has a better weight listed. If I went in now, all eight months pregnant, the weight I’d have to give would be outrageous!

But I guess I should give the reasons Josh wants me to get a Hoosier lisence. See, his schooling was covered last year with the assistantship. But next year, we have to pay for it. And in-state students pay considerably less. And since he’s still in school, he has the notion that the only way he can consider himself an Indiana resident is if he’s married to one. And I’m not in school, so I could easily become a resident, except that I don’t want to. (In case you didn’t know, you can’t switch redidency to the state where you are still in school, because then the school wouldn’t get as much money from you).

Well, that’s just about all the nonsense I can think to type about right now.

By the way, did I mention that at my doctor’s appointment last week, they said I was a centimeter dialated? Exciting! But also normal, says my doctor. Maybe I should pack that suitcase everyone keeps talking about… Also, my doctor said that the baby is head-down. Which is fabulous news. Decreases the chance of a C-Section significantly.

Bye for now!