Just got back from Krogers… where we went after the doctor’s appointment. We got these new yogurts, they’re chocolate mousse (sp?). Can’t wait. But you weren’t really interested in that, were you? Oh, you were? Okay. I got the cherry chocolate mousse and Josh got the raspberry chocolate mousse. I bet they’re delicious. What? You want to know what the doctor said? Sigh. Okay.

She said that I’m 5 cm dialated and a very lucky lady to have gotten that far without any contractions or anything on my first pregnancy. She said it’s not abnormal for women on their 2nd or 3rd pregnancies to be like that, but I’m just lucky. Yay me!

She also said that I’m about 90% effaced. I think that means my cervix is almost nonexistant. Yay, no more cervix!

I asked where the head was (it was a -1 last time), but Josh and I can’t remember what she said. We remember her saying it was low, and I remember her facial expression led me to believe that it was very low, lower than last time. But when we left, I asked Josh what she said and he said, “-1”, thinking that meant it was past the cervix. But I reminded him that the negative numbers meant it still hadn’t passed the cervix, and then he doubted whether or not he had heard “-1”. So we’re just going to say “0” for now.

But 5 CM! That’s halfway there! I’m halfway through labor and I’m still at home! I’m really, really hoping I don’t have to go to my next appointment (next Friday at 2:20).
