There, I posted a few of the pictures of Boys Play With Wax. For more of the same, go here. To see all my pictures, you can go here. But I’m warning you, I’m mainly using this site for storage purposes; you probably won’t be very interested in most of the pictures I have on there.

So I forgot to mention, we bought another fish. We got him the same weekend the Boys Played With Wax. And he died that same weekend as well. But before you yell “Fish-Killer!”, know that my dear friend Ashley once killed five fish in one fell swoop. So, after this one kicked it, we decided to do further research into why we kill fish. We thought we were doing everything right, we followed the fish-store-people’s advice to the letter! Turns out they weren’t telling us everything we needed to know. I think it’s because they want us to come back every weekend and spend $30 more on a new fish.

But we looked up on a site we’ve come to trust and found that they recommend having a smaller quarantine tank for your new fish and keeping them there for 2-4 weeks before introducing them to its new tank-mates. The reason is saltwater fish can stress out very easily, and then die. Introducing them to a new tank, with different Ph levels, different salinity, differant temperature, and different fish is all very stressful. Especially the new fish part, because they feel like they own the place and the new fish is an intruder that they must pick on. With a quarantine tank, you can introduce the fish to the water and get him used to that in a calm, stressfree environment. Also, if the new fish is diseased, this way, he won’t contaminate the other fish. Or if one of our older fish is diseased, we can put him in the q-tank so that a)we don’t contaminate other fish and b) we don’t treat non-sick fish. And thirdly, the q-tank could double as a breeding tank. And maybe that way we could make up some of the $175 we spent on this silly contraption and it’s equipment. But more than likely, if the q-tank works, we can regain the money spent on it by not killing $30 fish the day after we buy them.

I’ll let you know how that all turns out. Also, I took pictures of the dying butterfly fish that we didn’t even bother to name. I should put one up here so you can see his patheticness.
