As promised, here is the picture of the dead fish. Note the red spot on his side… It’s either a bacterial infection, or a sign of a vicious attack. Posted by Hello

BUT, the fish that we bought after setting up the quarantine tank is on his THIRD day! (This is a record). He’s not floating or doing flips, or developing any weird spots at all! Now, I know this is too early to say much of anything, and besides, he’s still very stressed. He’s normally supposed to be mostly yellow, but whenever he notices us looking at him, he turns mostly gray. This is why I haven’t taken any pictures of him. If I notice him start to die, I’ll take pictures, okay? Or if he makes it to the other tank.

But anyway, on to this whole labor thing. I’ve decided that I wish the doctor had not told me how far along I am. If I were still expecting a July 8 delivery date, I’d be able to relax and enjoy my last days/weeks of pregnancy. But now every day when I wake up, I think, “Today’s the day!” and every night when I go to bed, I think, “Crap, still no baby.” My pregnancy book says that the first stage of labor is the dialation of the cervix to 3 cm and that after that stage, you go to the hospital. Well, here I am at 5 cm (or at least that’s where I was last Thursday) wondering if I’ll ever get to the stage where I get to go the hospital and actually deliver. I’m actually afraid I won’t notice labor starting, since I’ve gotten this far without feeling anything. But when I tell this to women who have had children, they just laugh at my naivete. “Oh, you’ll feel the contractions, don’t worry.” I guess we’ll have to wait and see, won’t we. Sigh.
