The Cloth Diapering, Babywearing, Breastfeeding Mommy
Llama Booties!!
This one’s for you, Ashley!!
on August 29, 2005 at 9:59 am
Beth, you and your daughter are SOOOO beautiful!!! as they say down here in the south “I just wanna smooch her face off!” sounds a little violent, but really it just means she’s adorable. actually, when you are totally enthrawled with how cute a little kid is you say “It makes you wanna knock them down and smooch her face off” but I dont think Olivia can stand yet, so I’ll just stick with I wanna smooch her face off. SHE’s CUTE!!!
on August 29, 2005 at 8:36 pm
Oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE!! Those booties look so sweet!!! I’m glad they fit. 🙂 You look pretty good yourself, mom. 🙂 I just LOVE Olivia’s smile… good to see her smiling and not screaming 😉 She’s such a cutie!!
on September 1, 2005 at 9:38 pm
With a picture like that, there’s such a proud mommy. Both look good! Glad she’s happy too, but you do have to wonder… what is Olivia thinking?
Beth, you and your daughter are SOOOO beautiful!!! as they say down here in the south “I just wanna smooch her face off!” sounds a little violent, but really it just means she’s adorable. actually, when you are totally enthrawled with how cute a little kid is you say “It makes you wanna knock them down and smooch her face off” but I dont think Olivia can stand yet, so I’ll just stick with I wanna smooch her face off. SHE’s CUTE!!!
Oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE!! Those booties look so sweet!!! I’m glad they fit. 🙂 You look pretty good yourself, mom. 🙂 I just LOVE Olivia’s smile… good to see her smiling and not screaming 😉 She’s such a cutie!!
With a picture like that, there’s such a proud mommy. Both look good! Glad she’s happy too, but you do have to wonder… what is Olivia thinking?