A friend sent me this link which completely shocked me. I couldn’t believe a self-proclaimed man of God could take this stance! I have always seen it as God-honoring to use my body the way God intended. Giving birth and breastfeeding are among the top ways I can imagine doing that. Now this rabbi thinks that by husbands witnessing either of those two events, they will be less attracted to their wives and the children will in the end suffer because they will not see love in their parent’s marriage. What do you think? Guys, honestly, would you rather not see these two – in my opinion – blessed events? Of course it will change the way you see your wife; she is now a mother! But shouldn’t you see your wife that way? Because that’s what she is! But she is still your wife as well. And girls, would you switch to the bottle even if you had a strong conviction to breastfeed because it made that part of your body less attractive to your husband?