Olivia ate butter yesterday. Yep, grabbed the stick right off the table. She was taking bites of it, and digging her little fingers all into it, and then threw it up on the floor in her bedroom. And no one saw. Josh was busy cleaning up her high chair and I was on the computer suffering from one of the many headaches that have become quite prevalent within my skull. Josh found her and when I heard him exclaim: “What do you have?!” I jumped up to see what my neglectful parenting had caused. Oh, just hardened arteries. Thankfully, I had just that day switched from margerine to real butter. So at least her little body knows how to somewhat handle that stuff. I had watched just a show on what not to eat (Oprah) and the top five were: hydrogenized oil (it means they put HYDROGEN in the oil to solidify it – HYDROGEN, PEOPLE!), enriched flour (it means they stripped out all the good stuff and put a little of it back in for appearances – go for the whole wheat, just the way God made it), high fructose corn syrup (they make it so that you never get full – that’s why I could eat candy all day), salt (duh), and… let me check the notes I took… animal fat (any saturated fat is animal fat – I don’t know specifically why this is bad, besides the fact that it’s fat. I got distracted at this point in the show). Well, all that to say… Olivia ate butter. Yuck.
A Skinny Belly:
Okay, so I’m three months pregnant and haven’t been able to go to the doctor yet. This worries me because I’m a worry wart. I have an appointment tomorrow to see if I can get on medicaid (Livi and I have no insurance), then I can find a doctor and finally put my worries to rest. But in the meantime, I have been to the WIC office twice, where they weighed me because that’s really all they have the equipment to do to check up on us pregos. But they asked me what my normal weight was and I said (okay, this hurts to say on the internet of all places where anyone can read it) 140-145. But last month, when she weighed me for the first time to see what my pregnancy weight gain was, I was at 139! And today, a month later, I was at 138! Did I mention I’m a worry wart?! She asked about my appetite and I confessed that it’s not what it used to be. Not that I’ve had morning sickness (much), just that when I sit down for a meal, I get fuller quicker than I used to. And I used to be able to keep eating even after I was full (if it was a favorite meal of mine), but I can’t do that anymore! My gag reflex has gotten a lot more sesitive. So I’m eating less and losing weight when I should be gaining. I gained 40+ pounds with Olivia and never lost my appetite like this. BUT, on top off all that, I truly have been noticing my belly steadily grow outward. So I’m confident something’s growing in there! (Since I’m eating less, it can’t be that I’m just getting fat!) And I guess every pregnancy is different. But like I said before: Worry Wart! I’ll be glad when I can get to a doctor and she can confirm for me that everything’s normal.
You know what else they put HYDROGEN in? Water! WATER, Beth! Supposedly it liquifies it or something…
Hey, if God wants to put Hydrogen in my water, then I’m going to have to trust Him on that one. But humans just don’t have the same track record.
i hear what you’re going through is normal. lots of girls lose weight their first trimester..most i guess. you’ll be great, fine..fabulous even!
Don’t worry about your weight right now, Beth. My body did that, too, when I was pregnant with you kids. I didn’t wear maternity clothes with you until late in my 7th month!! And you were exceptionally healthy! Beautiful, too!
My experience (I have three friends from work who either recently had another baby or are in the process) says that if you are experiencing something much different this pregnancy, you are having the opposite gendered child. Thus (if this theory holds true) it’s a boy!