I’ve got some disappointing news. I was supposed to have my first prenatal appointment today. It wasn’t anything personal or informational. It was just to fill out paperwork and give blood so they could make another appointment for later with a nurse practitioner. But… I didn’t have my appointment today. I went and signed in and everything and waited to be called. Then a lady came and told me that I wasn’t supposed to bring anybody with me; that I couldn’t take Livi back with me. She said I should have known because they told me when they called me. I told them nobody called me and she checked and said, “Well, I tried four times.” If I had known they were going to call me, I would have told them I’d changed my number! So she told me to reschedule. And guess when the nearest appointment was? November 22. 🙁 I started to cry! I’ll be 22 weeks pregnant before they’ll even let me fill out paperwork! Why don’t they just mail it to me? I’ll fill it out at home! So I’ll be at least 23 weeks before I see the nurse practitioner (they won’t make the appointment for that until after I fill out the paperwork and who knows how long the wait will be, hopefully just a week, not another month – I’ll have given birth before I see anybody!) Anyways, the real disappointment is, I’ve read that the window for finding out the baby’s gender is from 16-20 weeks. Isn’t that sad? That means I’ll have missed it.