So a few people have expressed disappointment that when I blogged, I chose a grammar lesson instead of my “doctor” appointment to blog about. Sorry. I was going to blog about my appointment last night, but blogger wasn’t working. Then this morning in the shower (where all good thinking is done) I was consumed with my annoyance about the misused “I” and so that’s what I blogged about. 🙂

Last Wednesday, I didn’t have a doctor appointment. I didn’t even have a nurse appointment. I had a “prenatal cluster” appointment. I met with about 15 other pregnant women and sat for three hours while two nurses had us fill out paperwork, took our blood, and taught us how to be pregnant. I learned all sorts of interesting things; like not to smoke, drink, or do drugs. I also learned I should eat, but not overeat. It was quite informational. I’m glad I had the opportunity to go. (If you can’t sense the sarcasm at this point, you don’t know me very well.) But anyway, the three-hour-classroom-type setting is the reason why they wouldn’t let me take Olivia back with me last month. I guess that makes sense. But really, they could have drawn my blood, given me the paperwork and told me to bring it back filled in for my next appointment. Olivia could have been there for that. There should be some kind of excemption for women who have been through this within the last two years. It’s kinda still fresh in my memory – how to be pregnant and all.

But I have an actual nurse practitioner appointment set for December 5. At 3:45. I’m so excited! I should get an ultrasound appointment at that point, too. 😀 It might not be long now, folks! I did snicker at the prenatal cluster when they explained how often the appointments would be. They said up to 28 weeks, you see a nurse once a month, then twice a month after that. I’m 23 weeks. By my appointment I’ll be 24. This means I’ll have one monthly appointment and then I’ll be biweekly until the 9th month (36 weeks), then I’ll be weekly. That’ll make the time just fly by! I remember with Olivia, once I got to the biweekly stage, everything went very quickly from that point on. Well, until school got out and all I did was sit around, read Harry Potter, and wait for the baby to come. But I think Olivia will keep me busy enough that that won’t happen this time.

Well, that was my “doctor” appointment. Hopefully I’ll have more to say after my December 5th appointment. Like maybe an actual due date. Or an ultrasound date. Exciting times!