I wasn’t even going to blog anything, I was so disappointed in the lack of curiousity displayed. I suppose that had something to do with the fact that most everyone insisted on hearing personally instead of from the blog. Then, anyone else who wanted to know IM’ed me before I got the chance to blog and found out that way. Although, some found out more quickly than others (poor Jeremy had to withstand 15 minutes of torture while Joel tricked his way into a quick answer). The blogs just don’t come as easily or as quickly as they used to.

So, my ultrasound. There’s only one baby. There are 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers, 11 toes… wait, typo – make that 10 toes. According to the measurements, my due date is now March 21 – amost a whole week earlier than the previous March 27th date. That’s happy. They recorded the whole ultrasound, which took at least 15 minutes, so we have that as a momento. We tried to watch it when we got home, but Olivia just wasn’t as interested because no one came out and sang a Silly Song. The ultrasound itself was kind of boring compared to the one I got with Livi. There wasn’t a monitor for me to look at (there was when I had Livi’s done), so I stared at some generic hotel-quality floral painting on the opposite wall for about the whole time. For the first half of the appointment, the lady didn’t even say anything. She was staring at the monitor with a severe look of concentration, frowning at times. That’s a pretty scary thing to encounter. I was wondering, “What’s wrong? How many are in there?! What are you frowning at?!!” Then, all of a sudden, she burst into conversation about a recent news report about a father who went missing after being trapped with his family in his car for 9 days in a snow storm. Mmmm-k.

Oh, and did I mention that Josh wasn’t allowed to come back with me? Not until the last 5 minutes or so. I don’t understand why, but since Olivia was with him, I’m sort of glad it had to be that way. Because, again, as soon as she saw me lying down with a strange device rolling over my belly, she started crying and reaching for me. Ahh, my protective baby. I just wish Josh could have been in there when she told me what the gender of the baby was. I thought she’d wait til we were both in there so we could hear together. But no. Oh, well. He was thrilled!

We do have pictures that they printed off for us, but we have no scanner. So I guess I could call the library and see if they have public scanners for use, but that’s the only thing I could think of short of making you wait until we bring them to Missouri for Christmas and scan them there. And when I see my mom, I’m giving her the VHS so she can make it a DVD and then we’ll be able to put it on the computer and the internet. It’s not the most interesting and it’s really long. But we enjoy it!

So, now we’ve got to start picking out some names