After the first snow storm, we had to wait a week or so until the weather finally warmed up (above 20 degrees) enough to see what Olivia thought of the snow. I already had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn’t like it. The first day it snowed, she would cry at the sight of it. Since then, Josh had taught her that it was called “snow” and that one should be excited, not afraid, about it. So she would point to it out the window and squeal. But if we got too close…
Well, we decided it was time to get close. After all, GMOM had bought her a lovely snow suit for Christmas, and Josh had talked me into buying an inflatable toddler sled that currently had only seen use zooming around on our carpet with all sorts of different stuffed animals and dolls in tow.
So we started the bundling process:
Olivia was okay with it at first. She likes getting dressed up. Plus, she had her juice sippy. That makes all things better.
By the time we got to this point, though, she had run out of juice and was getting rather hot. Please note the scarf – personally knitted just for Olivia by her Auntie Sassa. (I have gotten compliments on it whenever I go out, Sassa!) And also, note the Wal-Mart bags on her feet. Why buy boots until we know for sure she likes the snow, right?
Yeah, she didn’t like the snow. She would just scream and cry in that sled while Josh pulled her along. So I came up with the brilliant idea of going to get the baby doll and taking the baby doll for a sled ride to show just how safe it was. As soon as I put the baby doll in the sled, though, Olivia rushed over and immediately rescued her. We tried putting Olivia back in the sled, and it worked this time, now that she had her baby doll to cling to. She still never once smiled. But she had stopped screaming.
So we go back inside. We take off all the many outer layers of warm, protective clothing…
And Olivia promptly climbs back onto the sled, without her dolly; and with a huge grin, demands that Josh take her for a ride around the safe confines of the apartment.
If they are still doing that “cutest baby picture” contest thing, you should enter that one where she is holding the doll and looking forlorn. It is approximately the cutest baby picture I have ever seen.