Ok, I’ve seen all you and your basketball pools and what-not. Well, here’s something that interests me far more.
Let’s see who can guess the closest on the following:
1) How dilated will I be on Friday?
2) What day will Baby Boy be born on?
3) What time will Baby Boy be born?
4) How much will he weigh?
5) How long will he be?
And the bonus question: What name will we ultimately decide on?
And because I have no prizes to give out and no way to organize it, this will be a free pool! What a great value! Of course, if anyone wants to organize it for me, I’d appreciate it greatly… *cough* JEREMY *cough*. I think the prize last time was one glorious goldfish! Who won that, anyway? Was said goldfish actually ever delivered? If so, is he still alive? If not, is he still alive?
Okay, leave lots of comments because that’s how I validate my existance.
I would like to play March Madness (minus #1 I don’t know what that means), but I am still waiting for a response to my comment made in august of 2006. To save you the time of searching for the comment (as I’m sure you would do out of pure excitment), I took the liberty of finding it for you, and will just copy and paste now. I realize this may no longer make sense, but but but still…hmmpf
(oh by the way my word verification to post this was bjwogca…what’s a bjwogca?)
Uhh anyway….
Here it is:
Steve said…
Hmm…your assumption was wrong, occasionally you get a reader that is neither a family member nor an attender of Ashley and Paul’s wedding (Hi Ashley and Paul, I don’t know you but congratulations!)…and that reader would be Steve (of Steve and Mindy). Yes, it’s true, Josh sent me this link awhile back (on 10/18/2005 at 11:57PM to be exact). Anyway, WOW you’re prego with #2…CONGRATS! You guys are really starting to make Mindy and I look like slackers… The job sounds pretty cool too, but I think you forgot to look at the negative of being far away from us, I mean really who is Olivia going to throw ice with now…sad really. Anyway, sounds like a lot has happened since we last hung out together…perhaps you should call us (I’d say we’d call you but refer back to the aforementioned slacker comment). Am I rambling now? I may be rambling. Bye.
8/30/2006 1:10 PM
STEVE (Of Steve and Mindy)! I am so sorry, forgive me? Yes, we need to get together! Josh and I were actually talking about you guys not too long ago. And yes, you guys are slackers. Get pregnant already! Sheesh. And I’m glad you read my blog. Otherwise we would have completely lost touch because Josh and I are horrible about that. So you wanna come up and throw ice with Olivia some time? It’s hard to schedule anything right now because who knows when this baby will fall out. But it won’t be too long before you’ll have to come up and meet him! And teach him how to throw ice! OH, and you said you wanted to play March Madness… yet you didn’t guess anything! Get on it! 😀
i’m gonna leave mine first, so i don’t feel bad about taking someone elses answer. Anyway I already told you my prediction, but if i can remember it here it goes….
tomorrow Am you will be dilated to a 4, baby Boy (Benjamin Taylor) will be born at 7:36 PM weighing 7lbs 11oz and 21 3/4 inches long (or was my guess 22 3/4?) and yes his name will be Bejamin Taylor. Unless of course you read this before then and change your mind cuz you don’t want to admit I’m right.
Here’s my prediction:
1) 5 cm
2) March 20th
3) 3:20
4) 12 lbs (hehe)
5) 22 inches
bonus) Benjamin Taylor (you better name him that!!! or at least that middle name)
1) 4.5cm
2) March 23rd
3) 9:00
4) 9 lbs
5) 20 in
Bonus: Nathaniel Thomas
1) 5 cm
2) March 17
3) 11:46
4) 8lbs 12 oz
5) 19 in
And the bonus question: Nathaniel Joshua
I’m writing random numbers. I don’t know averages on any of this stuff. This is why I don’t participate in March Madness, as a rule.