So I had my first ever 40 week prenatal appointment today. I only got to 39 with Olivia. And I made an appointment for next week. A 41 week prenatal appointment. What do you think? Will I have to cancel? I told the doctor today that I’d prefer to go to 42 weeks rather than get induced. He said that would be fine and that means if I make it to next week, they’ll give me a nonstress test. Then I’ll have another appointment three days later and a final one at 42 weeks. Then they schedule the induction.
But that really has nothing to do with change, or why Change Is Good.
The change is the extra centimeter that I dilated over this past week! I’m up to THREE centimeters! Something’s happening! Question is, will it happen fast enough to beat the two week deadline that modern science has put on my pregnancy.
Um, you have a one week deadline that modern Joel has put on your pregnancy. I trust you haven’t forgotten that I’m coming through on Friday, never to be heard from again. Little Benjamin best be outta that womb and back home by at least 11:30 in the A.M.
Hey, I saw your comment on Miller_schloss’s site. I don’t need to know, but I’m curious (in case I will need to know later): do you wash the cloth wipes with the diapers? Or do you dispose of the wipes?
Hi Nichole!
If you use paper towels like Miller_schloss does, then you toss them. I use cloth, which are like washcloths, so I throw them in the with diapers and wash them together. It’s so much easier that way. Back when I used cloth diapers and disposable wipes I was forever forgetting to separate the two and that led to picking endless lint off the diapers when they came out of the dryer! If you have any more questions, fire away; this is a subject I love talking and learning about!