I was a week early and completely unprepared with Olivia.

Yet I can’t help but wonder if God has given me this extra time before Baby Boy so I could learn/realize/prepare something I haven’t yet figured out.

It’s beginning to feel surreal. I was prepared for labor last Wednesday, but the anxiety I felt while approaching that due date has only decreased each day that has passed since. I don’t spend much time imagining him in my arms anymore. I don’t contemplate the 2 a.m. feedings anymore. I quit rehearsing in my head how nap schedules will work with two children. I stopped planning the difference between changing boy diapers and changing girl diapers. Not to mention all the imaginary labor pains I interpreted every ache and twinge to be. The more I think on such things, the slower the time passes. I think this belly might just be permanent.

This is not pre-post-partum depression. I DO long for my baby boy to be in my arms. I just can’t figure out why he’s not here yet. What am I missing, God? Why am I not ready yet?