Okay, so I officially dropped off the face of the earth a couple weeks ago. I went to Missouri. (Teehee).
But I didn’t really take any pictures until we left for Colorado. Yes, we were practically world travelers. We drove to O’Hare, flew to Missouri, relaxed for a week, drove to Colorado, relaxed for a week, flew back to O’Hare, spent four days with my family, drove back to Indiana.
And the in-flight movie was always Veggie Tales.
So here is our very own sequential image, stereophonic, multimedia event:

I amused myself with lotion. (Not my leg, by the way)
We’re in Denver! We celebrate at the City Park.
But we didn’t stay in Denver – oh no. That would be cheating.
Our cabin was out in the middle of nowhere
But this isn’t it. This is an old abandoned ski lodge – er, I mean mining building.
We thought it was a ski lodge at first and made up some pretty fantastic stories about its untimely demise due to a tragic avalanche.
Here’s our cabin. Can you find it?
So what does one do for fun out in the middle of nowhere? One takes the rental Sport Utility Vehicle out for a spin to see what it can do!
It couldn’t do this. (Ignore Noah… he’s just acting out to get attention.)
And what does a toddler do in Colorado?
She struts her stuff down the streets of Breckinridge.
She expirements with different… styles… in the Garden of the Gods.
She rides an Olympic bobsled.
And what does an infant do in Colorado?
He climbs mountains… via the Maya Wrap.
He spends a lot of time in a carseat.
And what do the parents do in Colorado?
They enjoy the peace of quiet of wide open spaces (while the children sleep in their carseats).
YES! my leg made the blog!
Only the best…