Olivia had her two year check-up last week. She’s 28 pounds (rough guestimate; she was jumping on the scale) and 33 inches tall (again, not exact; hard to measure a moving object). According to those measurements, she is in the 50th percentile – as she has been all her life.

Then the doctor asked me how her vocabulary is coming along. “Is she talking a lot?”


The doctor rephrases, “Does she have at least a 20 word vocabulary?”

Uhh… Sure!

Josh says I should have been more honest with the doctor.

However, I maintain I told the truth. Let’s count: diddy (kitty), turtle, baby, bye-bye, hi, more, ter (water), ver (covers), derse (nurse), doo (two), dwee (three), dez (dessert), der-tis (there it is (does that count as three?)), piwoah (pillow), tee (tree), daddy, geen (green), boo (blue), buh (bug), toe (toad), bee (berry)…

Hey! That’s 21! Surely she didn’t mean 20 words that just anybody could understand without a translator. How unrealistic.

Then the doctor asked how Olivia was at following directions.

Well… she doesn’t always obey… Oh! You mean *can* she follow directions? Oh, yes, when she wants to.

And can she follow two-step instructions? For example, “Go get the stool, and then stand on it.”

At this, I had to laugh. “If we tell her to, she’ll go get the stool, stand on it, get the turtle food, open it, and feed the turtle, then put the lid back on.”

And does she imitate okay?

Obviously, the doctor didn’t read my Onion story!

**Picture courtesy of Joanna