They make your house smell like burning.

For days.

Yesterday was Leftover Day. Fridays always are. Josh decides he wants tacos. We only have tostadas. He takes the meat out of the fridge; I hand him the tostadas. I turn around to pick out my dinner and he asks, “How long do you put this in the microwave for?”

Thinking he means the meat, I say, “A minute or two.”

Well, a minute and half later, smoke starts wafting through the dining room and kitchen. Our eyes are tearing up and our nostrils have been horribly offended by the the stench of burning… no, not taco meat. Tostadas. Josh opens the microwave door and smoke billows out. There is a huge black, burning, smoking circle in the middle of each tostada.

While I would have recommended the oven, I have to admit I had no idea that a minute and a half in the microwave would have spontaneously combusted four tostadas.