I remember, in elementary school, when the school lunch was spaghetti, a roll would always be served with the meal. At my lunch table, we would experiment by stuffing spaghetti into a hole in the roll & eating it. I guess you could call it a calzone of sorts. It wasn’t bad.
Plus, we have moved her from the kitchen – where she had to eat isolated from civilization – to the dining room. So we can reach over and keep her hands from smearing red saucy goodness all over herself. We still put a towel under the high chair to be safe, but for the most part, she’s a much cleaner girl.
(Oh, and note – that is an ORANGE shirt she’s wearing. Coincidence? Maybe.)
I remember, in elementary school, when the school lunch was spaghetti, a roll would always be served with the meal. At my lunch table, we would experiment by stuffing spaghetti into a hole in the roll & eating it. I guess you could call it a calzone of sorts. It wasn’t bad.
Or maybe I was just a weird kid.
Whoa! She’s eating spaghetti! And she’s dressed!!!
Did you have company over or something? 😉
I used to do that all the time. One of the worst tasting ones was cream cheese and banana chunks with milk. What was I thinking? Eww!
My child NEVER eats spaghetti with clothes on!
Ok, so we’re a little more lax on the “Must Be Nude To Eat” policy. Blame this bib: http://www.jardinediapers.com/Bumkins-Super-Bib-p-28.html
A little pricier than your average bib – but definitely the way to go.
Plus, we have moved her from the kitchen – where she had to eat isolated from civilization – to the dining room. So we can reach over and keep her hands from smearing red saucy goodness all over herself. We still put a towel under the high chair to be safe, but for the most part, she’s a much cleaner girl.
(Oh, and note – that is an ORANGE shirt she’s wearing. Coincidence? Maybe.)