You may have heard that one of the positive side effects of pregnancy is that gorgeous, thick, full head of hair. Well, it’s a positive if you are normally of the limp-haired variety, anyway. Then you simply adore that the pregnant scalp tends to jealously retain every fiber, leading to all-out lovely locks.
Then, about three months post-partum, those fabulous filaments start appearing on your sweater. And in dinner. And in diapers. And on that one spot on your back you just can’t reach. And don’t even get me started on the drain.
Not only is your marvelous mane now diminishing at an alarming rate, but you can no longer set your infant on the carpet without first administering some sort of hairball preventative medication.
Your shower time lengthens as shampooing consumes most of your morning simply in vain effort of finding an end to the squandering of your sensational strands.
You eventually give up, and it’s good that you do. Because as soon as you pick up that brush, whatever remains of your tantalizing tresses leaps so willingly from your thatch to those bristles that you might get a little suspicious.
And suddenly, you start to sympathize with Britney Spears.
So that’s why she did it.
I knew there had to be a reason! That poor girl makes so many mistakes, but I knew there had to be some (possibly twisted) logic behind some of it!
Does the shedding thing really happen to everyone? Because I don’t think we can handle any more shedding going on here at our house….
Oh no, not the shedding… that’s one of those things I had forgotten about my first pregnancy.
AHH! the endless hair! I’ve learned it’s worse when you had a miscarriage than it is after you have a baby. Not only do you not get to enjoy 9-13 months of thick nice hair, you shed longer! how is this possible? Every morning I get a handfull of hair out while shampooing, a handfull out after combing (i stopped using a brush cuz it pulled even more out). Every other day I clean a chunk out of the tub drain and about once a week i notice a tumbleweed of hair behind the bathroom door. Where does it all come from and why am I not bald by now?!
Okay please tell me this won’t happen to me! The thought of my hair being even thicker than it is now makes me want to go Britney Spears style! My hair sheds a ton now (Drain-O is my shower’s best friend), NOT looking forward to it shedding even more. 🙁
Funny post!
I remember watching the hair fall in the light as I brushed it. I never really noticed a big difference, but my husband unclogged the drain a lot more. He would tell me that my twin lived down there.
I am SO glad to know this is normal! I have been battling our drain for months.
Nice alliteration
The best cure for long hair in the bathtub drain is a cheap mesh strainer you can buy at Wal-Mart or a hardware store. Get one that fits the drain! The mesh in it is almost as small as a screen window’s mesh. And , trust me, it does catch the hair!