This is an excellent, compelling, it’s-about-time-someone-said-this argument.
Do you breastfeed? Are you planning to? Ever felt awkward for wanting to feed your child in public? Heaven-forbid, at a restaurant?
Read this. It’s a great perspective of the outrageous double standard.
I love it!
Who said it was offensive?
I LOVE IT!!! It should be on the news tonight!
Bonnie – The implication was that since nursing mothers on airplanes, in Starbucks, in restaurants are asked to cover themselves while nursing, then breasts must be offensive.
Just not on celebrities.
Oh ok. Thought there might be an origninal link to an article where someone said this was offensive or something
Guess I’ve never really thought about it. I think I want to breastfeed when it’s time. I don’t feel comfortable, though, whipping out my boob in public anyways without coverage. (AKA, during meetings at work, in front of my father in law, or basically anywhere else with strangers). Basically I’m not comfortable showing boobs even if I’m not breastfeeding.
In conclusion, I think boobs should probably left covered, whether you’re using them for a food source or using them as a fashion accessory. I don’t want to see other people’s boobs either way (just my 2 cents).
CCL’s Family Foundations magazine had a lovely little article on this topic that brought things into perfect focus for me–
The author quoted Paul when he pointed out, “To the pure, all things are pure…”
In a sex-saturated society, where the innocence not-yet stolen is mocked, and overt sexuality is power, these factors come together to produce what you call a double standard:
Those with the “power” (the sexy ones) aren’t scolded any more than you’d scold a police officer for cutting officiously in line. They’re just a too overwhelming.
On the other hand, we all know it’s not really “right”, so seeing “indecency” in more of a peer (read, “normal-looking person”) that you can confront with all your pent up righteous indignation about the over-sexing of our society– it’s a relief.
Sort of like jumping down the neck of the “normal” guy who cuts in line after six high-powered executives in a row have rendered you invisible to the ticket taker.
We who know breastfeeding can attest that (dear Bonnie, take note) one doesn’t need to show *any* breast, with or without a “cover up”. We know it is utterly innocent and healthy, without (requiring) an iota of exhibitionism.
But we can begin to understand understand the opposition that some face when we remember, “to those who have been defiled… even their mind and conscience are defiled.” (Titus 1:15)
For our own peace and assurance we may remind ourselves, It’s not us, it’s them.
I’ve decided I’m not going to seek out trouble, but I’ll not go much out of my way to make everyone comfortable, either. Particularly if it is their own “defiled minds” that make them uncomfortable.
Now, when what I actually do might cause someone’s conscience to be defiled– then I have to look a lot harder at what I’m doing and why (thinking here about provocative clothing — but that’s OT, so I’ll let it go at only a mention).
Wow. That was a great link Beth. It truly is a double standard. We are the only country in the world that looks at breastfeeding as something disgusting or sexual. It really is sad that people have to turn something so beautiful into something to be looked down upon.
The only argument I can give them is that my poor, baby birthin’ body doesn’t look quite as tight as it used to after 5 kiddos. Who knew. My advice would be – don’t look.
Yeah- I know you don’t have to show them when you are feeding. I’ve been around a whole lot of other women who breastfeed and I’ve never seen their boobs. I don’t think that these women, though, are probably the ones who get asked to leave restaurants.
We can remember that God also clothed Adam and Eve after the fall of man after they had realized that they were naked. So it’s probably a good idea to stay clothed, at least, in public.
I hate the double standard. This society makes breastfeeding so hard, but it is OK to have extreme low cut tops and show lots of cleavage. Idiots!
I think it would be lovely if people started telling these girls that their shirts are offensive. But then we would be accused of being Puritanical, or something.
I always breastfeed in private. I just don’t go out alot if I am breastfeeding. Actually, I don’t go out alot, period.
Amy Jane reminded me of my friend who has spent several years in Peru…
She came home shortly after Lexi was born and came over to visit. Well of course it was time for Lexi to eat, and since she is unmarried and has no children, I automatically thought she’d feel weird with Lexi nursing in front of her.
I let her know that Lexi needed to eat and that I was gonna get up for a minute to get a blanket.
She laughed at me. I was quite confused until she told me that the ladies in Peru- no matter where they are, just pull up their shirt and stick the baby on. She said it wasn’t unusual on the typical Sunday for her to look around in church and see at least 5 different woman’s breasts. And no one was embarrassed or offended.
Funny cuz I remember when I was in middle school, maybe high school, there was a lady in my church who had twins. I remember getting embarrassed because she would put a blanket over them and nurse in church. she always sat in the back, but I still couldn’t believe she did that. Once I had Lexi and started nursing I completely understood though!
Bonnie – Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want anyone to see my boobs either! If my baby loved nursing under a blanket, I probably wouldn’t even be complaining. But he doesn’t. It’s hot and stuffy and all-out uncomfortable to have your head under a blanket. Luckily, this being my second child, I’ve just about perfected the ability to nurse discreetly without a blanket. And if I do use a blanket, I’m more likely to use to to cover up my love handles than my baby’s head! (Michelle, from what you said, I have a feeling you understand that logic? :-D) But I still feel the double standard in the way people look at me. And from what I’ve heard, the people asked to use blankets in airplanes and restaurants were all nursing discreetly as well. Of course, I wasn’t there so I can’t be sure.
Amy Jane – Wonderfully stated! Thank you for that perspective. It helps to realize that I’m surrounded by fallen, defiled minds and that I am not necessarily doing anything dirty. 🙂
Zan! You need to go out! Let’s go somewhere and nurse our babies somewhere (are you still nursing?). 😛
You guys would have loved the Bill Marr take on this topic. My husband was watching him on HBO the other day and this topic was brought up.
If you want to take out your frustrations on someone, you might want to look into what he said.
Of course, though, I’m a liberal too – so I tend to enjoy his show. 🙂