I wasn’t going to go to CVS this week. I realized after this trip that I might be a bit addicted. And after breaking my absolutely-no-cash-out-of-pocket resolution on this trip, I made the decision to just plain skip this week. I even prayed that God would guide my shopping trip and give me wisdom in my decisions.
So, come Monday morning. We’re in the car. We’re driving down the street on our way to Aldi’s. And Olivia starts speaking in the backseat. And she’s not one to speak without a purpose. And what’s that she’s saying?
“S!” “S!!”
“What are you saying, Olivia?”
“S?” At this point I turn around to see what she could possibly be talking about.
She was pointing out the window as we passed CVS crying out with all her heart: “S!!!”
She wanted to go to CVS. Oh. My. Word. My TWO YEAR OLD is addicted to CVS. What have I done.
I explain that we’re not going to CVS today. Just Aldi’s, Walgreen’s, and Wal-Mart. (I wouldn’t have even gone to Walgreen’s, but I had a Register Rewards coupon for $10 expired that day.)
Anyway, I think she might have understood that. She didn’t say anything more on that trip.
But on the way back, I had to pull into Walgreen’s, which is right next to CVS. And she saw it.
“Walgreen’s!” I exclaimed with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. Maybe I can get her equally as excited about Walgreen’s and she won’t have to quit CVS cold turkey. Maybe Walgreen’s can be her CVS patch. Well, she wasn’t as happy about Walgreen’s, but she tolerated it.
Then we left. I thought maybe I could pull out and head to Wal-Mart and we’d be safe. I didn’t think she could even see CVS from that angle.
“S!” “S!!!” “S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” As we drove further and further away from her beloved CVS.
So I turn the car around. And we go to CVS. Oh, you should have seen her smile as she skipped/sprinted into that store.
And you know what? I got $14 worth of goods for a NEGATIVE $0.99. And included in that? FREE HALLOWEEN CANDY. Which I was going to get at Wal-Mart anyway. I sure am glad I listen to my toddler. She can give some good advice sometimes.
Here’s the Line-up:
Snack size Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, 11.2 oz @ 2.50
Snack size Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, 11.2 oz @ 2.50
Soy Joy Nutritional Bar @ 1.00
Soy Joy Nutritional Bar @ 1.00
Soy Joy Nutritional Bar @ 1.00
Soy Joy Nutritional Bar @ 1.00
Rohto Redness Relief Eye Drops, .4 oz @ 4.99
Total: 13.99 before taxes
Coupons: $1/2 Hersheys snack size, B1G1 Free Nutritional Bar CRT (which means it was a coupon from the bottom of a previous CVS receipt) that for some reason took $1.99 off instead of $1 – I just now caught this, and a $2/10
New Total: 9.00
Paid in ECBs (no cash out of pocket!)
ECBs received at the end of the order: $4 for the Soy Joys, $4.99 for the eye drops, and $1 for the Reeses for a total of $9.99!
Lessons learned: Pray before each shopping trip. And be listening just in case the Good Lord uses your two-year-old daughter to speak to you concerning great deals at “S!”
BTW, if you’re planning on having any more kids, I wouldn’t let Josh eat those Soy bars.
Look it up online….soy+men=impotence
That’s too cute!
Nice, informative site.