Last week, we went trick-or-treating dressed the kids up in completely adorable outfits and took them house to house so that we could show off their complete adorableness. And, in recognition of the complete adorability in front of them, our gracious neighbors bestowed upon my children oodles and oodles of candy. (It was a completely innocent activity. Promise. Please, no debates in the comments. Thanks-so-much!)
It is tradition in our family that the baby dress up as Yoda. It’s one of those cheap traditions. So we don’t have to ever buy a baby costume. Ever again.
Here’s the Jedi, looking wise, and altogether thrilled to have huge, green ears.
Olivia actually put forth effort this year in deciding her costumed fate. (Last year one of us was in the constant state of chasing after her down the aisles). We gave her the choice of monkey or tiger. I have to admit I’m a little disappointed in her final decision. She would have made a cute monkey. Maybe next year.
Also, before you get too excited for awesome and amazing pictures of my little girl dressed as a tiger, I must warn you that she was in NO MOOD for picture-taking that evening. I just barely got one as we were walking out the door and BOY DID SHE GIVE ME A LOOK.
She almost turned around right there, in sheer defiance. But I think the faint memory of an intense sugar high drove her onward in spite of my camera-happy ways.
I did manage a couple family pictures before we left. But neither child smiled in any of them. Ben-I-Mean-Yoda picked his nose while Olivia-the-Tiger glared at me from behind bared fangs.
Olivia remembered the process quite well once we got going. I didn’t have to remind her one single time that the object was to transfer candy from the big bowls into her little bucket. In fact, she began taking one handful for Benjamin’s bag, as well. And if the poor, unsuspecting neighbor pulled the bowl away too soon, she let them know! (And yes, Benjamin had his own candy bag. And no, he will not be eating any of that candy. And there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing.)
As soon as she got her first handful of candy, her entire disposition changed. Suddenly she was smiley, giddy, excited, and very willing to pose for pictures. (Doesn’t it look like she’s praying? So sweet.)
Not long into our journey we realized we were not collecting candy at the most efficient rate possible. So I ran back to the apartment and came back with the jogging stroller. And then I ate several pieces of chocolate. You know, to make up for the calories I burned while running. And then Yoda fell asleep. But Olivia made sure he still got a handful of candy at every house. Good girl.
Benjamin wasn’t out for the night, however. He woke up as soon as he heard the candy-wrappers rustling at home. Oh, look at that hopeful gleam in his eye.
At the coffee table, drooling over our bounty. And… I might be taking that candy away from my own child. It’s possible I’m giving it to her. Yes, let’s say I’m giving it to her.
I get a little goofy in the presence of sugar.
Expect the goofiness to last a long, long time.
To participate in Meet-and-Greet Monday: Post pictures of someone you’d like to us to “meet” on your blog. It doesn’t have to be someone new each week (obviously – I post of the same two people each week). The idea is that someone new from the blogosphere will happen upon this site each Monday and we can “introduce” ourselves to them. Because this is a friendly place. Also, this is a great excuse to post pictures for the Grandmas.
Just make sure you are linking to your Meet-and-Greet post – NOT your homepage. It just makes life easier that way. And then put a link in your post back to here so that your readers can “meet” someone new today, too!
The pictures are so cute! It’s fun to see who you are as well as your cute kiddos. Our babies always “collected” their own bag of candy as well. And I tried not to feel guilty long enough to get Dad his stash.
YUM candy! oh and your children are cute too! 🙂
So who’s going to wear the yoda outfit next year?
Bonnie – Well, we’re thinking the Yoda outfit might get a year off. We’ll see. If you find you have the need for it, though, you’re welcome to it! 😉
a year off?! Nonsense. get busy.
How cute are they!!!!
You, giddy?? Nah!
Just grabbed the feed… thanks for posting this.