HOWEVER – We do not have reliable internet.
I have been trying to upload pictures of my unbelievably beautiful and delicious turkey for quite some time now. One picture has successfully uploaded but the second one starts un-uploading once it gets to 100 (or so) kb. In fact, I was convinced no one even cared about my turkey troubles, as my internet had timed out and I had not received any notifications that anyone had left any comments!
(DSL comes in January. *White-knuckle anticipation*)
So, I am now finally resorting to simply explaining the delectable nature of our dinner.
The turkey took a bit longer than I had planned for. I didn’t realize that stuffing it added up to an hour extra. However, I also apparently didn’t hear Josh tell me this morning that he was going to be coming home late tonight. So it all worked out.
Except for the stuffing. I had planned for the extra stuffing that was baking in a casserole dish to be done the same time as the turkey. And I left it in a little too long thinking, “Surely the turkey just just about done.” And when I finally did take it out, it sat on the stove for at least half an hour. I warmed in in the oven once the turkey was finally done, but the result was that it was a rather dry stuffing. BUT – I don’t usually like stuffing because of the soggy texture. So I was a big fan of the dry stuffing. It was like butter-celery-onion-sage flavored croûtons. And the stuffing cooked in the bird was excellent – according to Josh. I was enjoying the crunchy stuffing to much to bother with it. So I take his word for it.
As intimidating as the turkey was, I have to say I am more proud of the fact that I made gravy from scratch. I LOVE the idea of using something produced by the main meal, adding some flour, and creating a yummy topping for mashed potatoes. And it was yummy. Best tasting turkey fat ever. I didn’t even add salt or pepper.
AND THE MOST EXCITING PART! Yesterday, Josh came home and announced he wanted to help two girls in his class (who live in our apartment complex!) understand some homework. After getting my approval and helping me tow load upon load of laundry out of the living room, he called them up and they came over. I invited them to stay for dinner but they had already eaten. They did, however, mention that they sorely miss home-cooked meals.
And I kept thinking about the Turkey. Should I invite them over for the Turkey? What if I fail miserably? The main reason I’m even making the Turkey is so I can have stress-free practice. Inviting strangers over to partake of the result is just kinda sorta stressful. But if it does work, there would be so much food!
So I mentioned, with many dire warnings that this might not go well at all because it is my first time ever cooking the Turkey, that if they don’t have anything planned maybe they could come and help us eat the Turkey if it turns out well, which I don’t know if it will because have I mentioned I’ve never done this before?
They said to give them a call.
So after seeing the Turkey glowing in its crispy red goodness, I definitely took them up on that. And they were able to come. And while conversing during dinner, I found out that neither would likely be able to be home for Thanksgiving!
So, I guess I just hosted my first ever Thanksgiving! I feel so matriarchal.
If I had known, I would have made a pie.
Well, what do you know. In the time it took me to write that post, three more pictures uploaded. So here you are:
I’m drooling. Again.
See that stuffing? That’s my stuffing. I made that stuffing. From scratch. And that includes the bread.
The dinner.
And I had to get a picture of the GRAVY! (I told Olivia she was going to be in the picture with the gravy. Turns out we got a little Ham to go with the Turkey.)
I am so very proud of my daughter! It looks scruptous, Beth! (Where’s the veggie?)
Love you,
Awesome job Beth! I’ve roasted a chicken before, but not a turkey- I’ll tackle that when I have enough people around to eat it. Good luck with the guests-for-Thanksgiving thing 🙂
Sigh. Once a mother, always a mother, I guess.
*Ahem* Mother – I was going to make veggies, I promise. By the time everything was said and done and carved and baked and roasted and whipped and set, I asked Josh and the guests if they would rather have corn or peas and they insisted there was too much food on the table already.
Plus – there’s celery in the stuffing.
Looks yummy!! Great job!
looks really yummy, next year can I come over?