She just starts talking. Just like that.
Josh and I were being a bit goofy with Benjamin while giving him his bath, trying to convince him he wasn’t as cranky as he wanted to be. She came up behind us, put one hand on each of our shoulders and said quite clearly, “You guys!” with a huge grin.
I’m sitting here trying to think if she’s ever said the word “you” before, let alone the word “guys” or the two put together to form a phrase mixed with half exasperation and half mature understanding of the situation at hand.
Is this normal?
Yeah this is very normal. Both of my boys talked very early and VERY clearly.
Even if you have never said this phrase to her she may have picked it up people watching when shopping or at church.
Sometime try to peek in on her when she is playing in her room. I bet she is practicing words she has heard. Try to do it so she doesn’t know you are there. My boys did this and my mother said I did it too. I loved to catch my boys at this. I would then make a point of saying these words so they could hear them again used correctly. When they get them just right they love to make big announcements to show them off, like she did last night.
One word of warning don’t be shocked if she tries out inappropriate words. WIth both my boys I found if I ignored them or simply said that was not a nice word it would stop. If you make a really big deal out of it she will use it and you have a bigger mess on your hands to deal with. She is exploring language and doesn’t understand that all these words have different meanings and can be offensive.
I am not implying you and your husband would use these words, but they do hear them when you take them out. Just don’t be shocked when it happens. I haven’t met a child yet that doesn’t try these words out.
Hooray! Now, what other words and phrases does she know and just isn’t using? Be careful- she’ll go from “toddler” to “girl” overnight!
what a big girl. So scary to think of how fast she is growing up.