Just a couple days ago, Olivia said what might have been her first phrase ever.

Yesterday she grew up entirely.

It started yesterday morning when she wrapped her arms around my legs, grinned up at me, and declared, “I wuv you.”

My heart swelled.

Then, while playing with a LeapFrog toy, I caught her reciting the alphabet ALL THE WAY UP TO THE LETTER ‘H’.

My heart just about burst.

In the car, she was not getting into her seat. I warned her. I said I would count to five… She looked up at me with a little too much glee and said, “One, Two, Three, Four, Five.”

My heart just can’t take anymore.

At the library, we went to our favorite Veggie Tale section. (Note: Our library displays “movie cards” which the public can browse. One has to take the card to the desk where the librarian exchanges it for the actual movie.) She picked out the three she wanted and then wandered off, I assumed to play in the play house. After picking out a movie for myself, I went to find her. She was gone. I called for her. The librarian at the children’s desk pointed out to the main counter. I couldn’t see her. I ran out, fearing she had gone out the door. Just as I was about to reach the door, I saw her near the counter. She didn’t have her movie cards any more.

“What did you do with your movies?” She pointed to the librarian behind the desk, who was browsing the back wall, holding our Veggie Tales movie cards.

She had taken the cards to the desk, given them to the librarian, and had been waiting patiently for her movies.

My heart broke.

She doesn’t need me anymore.

Good thing she wuvs me.