Benjamin likes the bubbles. His sister does not.

Remember the snowman from last week? This is him 24 hours later.

I made cheesecake for the second time in my life. It still didn’t look the prettiest (it’s a chocolate swirl cheesecake) from the top. But much better than last time.

Apparently I didn’t swirl it as much as I should have. Other than that, the side view looks absolutely gorgeous.

This is how a mommy of a fussy 10 month old has the time to make a chocolate swirl cheesecake. (You can’t tell, but in his other hand is a [plastic] bottle of vanilla.)

And yes, I did take this picture in our bathroom. It was either that or ask Olivia to take it for me.

Speaking of Olivia…

This is how a mommy of a busy little two-and-a-half year old has the time to make a chocolate swirl cheesecake.

Cuddles on the rocking chair. Olivia is trying very hard to make Benjamin stay and enjoy these cuddles.

When, in fact, he’s rather bored with them.

And everyone says, “Awwww.”

“Yay, she left! And I got to keep the ball!”

(Check out that chunky face.)


To participate in Meet-and-Greet Monday: Post pictures of someone you’d like to us to “meet” on your blog. It doesn’t have to be someone new each week (obviously – I post of the same two people each week). The idea is that someone new from the blogosphere will happen upon this site each Monday and we can “introduce” ourselves to them. Because this is a friendly place. Also, this is a great excuse to post pictures for the Grandmas.

Just make sure you are linking to your Meet-and-Greet post – NOT your homepage. :-) It just makes life easier that way. And then put a link in your post back to here so that your readers can “meet” someone new today, too!