So we just spent the past half-week at Grandma and Grandpa’s*.
(Or, as they are more commonly known around here, Gammy and Pop Pop*.)
And we are going through Grandma*-withdrawal.
Oh, my aching head, we surely are.
The Benjamin won’t be put down; his simple request in to nurse all. day. long.
The Olivia wants constant interaction; her simple request is “Play with me. Play with me! Play with ME!!”
The Mommy just needs some time alone; her simple request is INTERNET, BY MYSELF, PLEASE.
But no, if you could only see through that monitor into my life, you would see me nursing a Benjamin on this chair with an Olivia climbing all over us.
Oh, what do you know? IT’S NAPTIME.
So sorry, Auntie Shannie, for the original, unintentional, hopefully forgivable exclusion.
I have seen through the monitor… It’s all true. Screaming Benjamin, Olivia wanting to play with mommy, and mommy grabbing her head saying “WHERE IS GRANDMA?!”
Speaking of visiting family, did the train work for you?
Shannon, I’ll stand up for Beth, she did talk about needing you too! The webcam… it tells all.