So yeah.  As you could probably guess from the title, we haven’t done our taxes yet.

It’s hard.  The children are demanding.  And the taxes hurt my brain.  And I’d much rather blog.  Or watch Hulu.

And the 1098-T form?  It is not properly filled out.  There is an unexplained huge negative number that makes me think they included Josh’s grant.  But they weren’t supposed to, if they did.  That grant was supposed to be taxable.  The 1098-T form was for tax-free scholarships only.

The grant was supposed to go on a 1099-G form, apparently.  But we never got one.  So do we fill out the 1099-G page on TurboTax?  Assume that that huge, confusing, mysterious negative number on the 1098-T form was NOT the grant and chance entering it twice?  And thus greatly reduce our return, possibly unnecessarily?

Or do we risk an audit by not filling out a 1099-G and assume that the 1098-T was all-inclusive.  (But… taxable!  Tax-free!  Gah!)

Josh has already asked the bursar if they put the grant on the 1098-T form.

Their response?

“We don’t know.”


I think for the first time in our married lives, I will be seeking professional help with our taxes.

Who do you recommend?  We need the best and the cheapest.  And preferably someone with a little toy corner?