A friend sent me an interesting article today and I thought I’d pass it on to you so you could weigh in on it.

Women who use mobile phones when pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioural problems, according to authoritative research.

A giant study, which surveyed more than 13,000 children, found that using the handsets just two or three times a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships by the time they reached school age.

They add that there might be other possible explanations that they did not examine – such as that mothers who used the phones frequently might pay less attention to their children – and stress that the results “should be interpreted with caution” and checked by further studies.

See the whole article here.  They also included studies with pregnant rats where increased exposure to similar radiation ended with the same structural changes in the offsprings’ brains.

How much should we worry about cell phones?  I honestly don’t even know how they work.  Radiation?  Really?  Maybe I should start using a headset.  I mean, we don’t even have a landline, so the cell phone is our only option.  Which is scary.  Unless it’s the neglect causing the “structural changes”.  In which case, I don’t think the 450 minutes a month we spend on the phone will have long term effects on our children.

Should I also stop using the microwave?  Or is it the Hot Pockets people put IN the microwave that’s destoying the children? 

Next they’re going to tell me the Internet is responsible for the problems of the next generation.  And unfortunately, I won’t be able to refute that one.  Not one bit.