We absolutely LOVE it when we find some old-school style playground toys. The kind that still have that element of danger. Where you could SO end up in the hospital if you don’t play right.

This was one of those things.

We are, to this day, unsure of the purpose of this contraption. Was it truly meant for two people? It surely made it more fun. Because it greatly increased the odds that someone was going to get hurt.

It had two parallel rotating bars, shaped, as you can see here, with handles at funky angles. We used second bar for our feet. While standing on the bottom rotating bar, one is (to the best of our knowledge) supposed to grab the top bar and then wiggle your body in a fashion that can get both bars to move simultaneously.

Josh and Shannon are smiling so huge because they know one is about to either go flying, or get a bar in the face.

Obviously, Shannon here was the winner and has challenged Noah to a duel to the death.

Olivia did not participate in the rotating bars of pain. Good girl.

Shannon is clearly related to Sidney Bristow. Clearly

This was the perfect park. See how they have a smattering of little kid toys to balance out the rotating death bars? Look! A frog!

And an alligator!

(That’s Ashton in the middle there. I was positive I had a better picture of her… alas. The girl needs to pose more. :-))

Slap your grandma. (Name the song.)

And then kiss and make up. (That part’s not in the song.)


To participate in Meet-and-Greet Monday: Post pictures of someone you’d like to us to “meet” on your blog. It doesn’t have to be someone new each week (obviously – I post of the same two people each week). The idea is that someone new from the blogosphere will happen upon this site each Monday and we can “introduce” ourselves to them. Because this is a friendly place. Also, this is a great excuse to post pictures for the Grandmas.

Just make sure you are linking to your Meet-and-Greet post – NOT your homepage. :-) It just makes life easier that way. Then put a link in your post back to here so that your readers can “meet” someone new today, too! And as always, thanks for keeping it family friendly.