I’ve heard that term for the first time during this election process.  And, knowing that they are using it as a euphemism for infanticide, I get angrier every time I hear it.

Yes, you have the right to your reproductive system.  By all means.  Take the pill.  Insert IUDs.  Remove the whole durn uterus.  But once another life inhabits that space, your “right to reproduce” is trumped by his right to LIVE.

“Oh, but I OWN my body.  I can do whatever I want with it, and anything else in it.”

And my landlord owns my duplex.  I’d like to see her use that logic after murdering ME.

“How can you be sure when life begins, anyway?  Is it conception?  The first heartbeat?  The first breath of air?”

I believe without a doubt that anything with a heartbeat is alive.  So, yes, there is a gray area before then when we can’t be sure.  But I’d rather err on the side of life, instead of mistakenly killing a baby and then having to report to my Maker why I destroyed His creation.  So I believe life begins at conception.

“So are you going to be a “one-issue” voter, then?”

Anyone who can fool himself into thinking that shoving a pair of scissors into a newly birthed infant’s head is NOT murder is too much of a fool to be my president.

There.  I’m going to go calm myself down now.  Thanks for listening.