The weather was nice this past week!

So we planned a trip to the zoo with Auntie Sassa and Auntie Shannie. Then, of course, it got cold.

(I’m still learning the various settings on my camera and have difficulty going back and forth between inside and outside shots, can ya tell?)

We saw monkeys:

And lions:

And fish:

And sea lions:

(Okay, those weren’t sea lions.)

(THERE’S the sea lion)

Olivia was more interested in the steps, though.

A little too interested in the steps, actually. She ended up falling and scratching her nose. 🙁

You can just barely see the scratch in this next shot, though you may be understandably distracted by the cuteness of my worn-out children.

The next day we had another dance class and Olivia EXCELLED. Simply EXCELLED. She knew the next move before the teacher would even say it. She was fully involved and not afraid to show off what she knew. 🙂

This was her first solo act – she had to tip-toe out to, and then around the cone with her hands up like that. I was nervous that singling her out would cause her to clam up, but she did GREAT!

For this one, she was supposed to gallop out around the cone with a partner, and she had a little too much fun and forgot the instructions just about immediately as she frolicked joyfully around the room.

Another new activity – Tambourines! Look how well she mimics the teacher. Adorable.

Arabesque-ing in her butterfly dance. She actually says “Arabesque” as she does them now. Adorable.

Benjamin looks on wistfully and perhaps a wee bit confused as the girls dance with scarves.

Shannie actually got to spend her whole spring break with us, which, by the way, rocked our world. We took her golfing.

She got a few pointers from Olivia:

Who then, in turn, received lessons from The Daddy:

And promptly became quite awesome at the sport:

Benjamin never even attempted a swing. He was much more fascinated with the golf balls themselves and didn’t quite understand why anyone would want to hit them far, far away.


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