Oh my gosh – 4:25pm and just now getting Meet-and-Greet started.  It was a looooong day.  In which I got next-to-nothing accomplished.  Other than the typical Monday Madness (you know, where the children adapt to just having boring-old-mom-who-also-has-a-weekend’s-worth-of-dishes-and-a-mountain-of-laundry-to-do and therefore whine, cry, and fight over the teensiest little thing in protest to their weekend-of-fun being abruptly over), I had a doctor’s appointment at 11:50.  I showed up at the location I always do, five minutes EARLY, mind you (unheard of), only to be told I was to have met the nurse in the OTHER location instead.  Fifteen minutes later (and no longer early – *sadness*), I arrived at the OTHER location only to find that the nurse had left for lunch and would be back in an hour and a half.

Driving home would take half an hour in-and-of itself.  So I spend the next 20 minutes scheduling prenatal appointments through June 22 (yeah, I’m due around June 14ish.  The receptionist was hesitant to even schedule one that week, let alone any after and I just laughed at her.  This momma’s not gettin’ pitocin just because her baby wants to cook a little longer than average.  (Which, by the way, is 41 and 1/7 weeks, so don’t let the 40 week deadline scare you either!)

Then we headed to McDonalds (I tried to talk Olivia into Chick-Fil-A, but she wouldn’t hear of it with those darn golden arches looming overhead.  “I don’t want waffle fries,” she protested – can you believe it?!)  I pulled out a book while the kids refused to eat $3.50 Happy Meals.  ::Sigh::  That’s what I get for feeding them eggs, sausage, and toast at 10am.  They ignore the junk I try to feed them at 12:30pm.

(Worth the wasted $7!)

And off we go to the doctor’s office, for the third time today!  I arrive right on time, am ushered back, and five minutes later, we’re headed back out the door.  It must have actually lasted longer than that, because I remember it being 2pm on the drive home and blaming a late Quiet Time on the kids’ unrealistic crankiness.

After coming home, dealing with potty times and diaper changes (not to mention, more creams and bandages), I put the kids to bed and crash myself.

Hi!  I feel better now.  Wanna see some picture?  🙂

Please ignore my face in the following picture.  I’ve come to the conclusion that this pregnancy has given me someone else’s face.  I don’t recognize myself in the mirror, let alone pictures, anymore.

That was taken after the free Bull’s game last Tuesday, so 29 weeks. Happy now? 🙂

Here’s my little Genius Child:

I happened to look down one morning and saw a thread on the floor mat in the shape of a ‘J’. I thought it was pretty cool, so I called Olivia over to see if she recognized it. Not only did she know it, but she then went to the fridge and got the matching letter ‘J’ magnet and set it next to it! And then posed all pretty while I took a picture.

I love me some educationally dirty floor mats.

And here’s my little butterfly before her dance recital, hugging her daddy before heading back.

Aunt Sassa came down from Chi-Town to watch!

(Don’t mind the expression, she was still trying to figure out the 3.5 mph speed limit sign she’d seen earlier that day…)

And here’s our little ballerina!

Look at those feet! First position! And those hands! She’s come so far!

Grandma and Grandpa drove over three hours to see our little princess perform. They brought roses!

(Grandpa was busy entertaining Benjamin, who had reached his limit of dancing girls and needed desperately for someone to take him outside so he could throw rocks.)

What have YOU been up to?


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