Women’s Bible study started yesterday.

I made it there *almost* on time.

Half-way through, my baby was brought to me from the nursery.

So it was with full hands I went to pick up the other two at the end of the study.

I watched other smiling mommies looking through the window at their little ones.  Little hands reaching, little toes standing on their tips.  It was crowded and busy and happy.

And then there were my two.

Olivia came willingly enough.  However, she refused to hold her brother’s snack trap for me.  Until I started counting to three in a rather serious tone.  Then she proceeded to whine and cry and hit me with said snack trap and throw a general fit.

At least I thought it was a fit.  But compared to what I was about to witness, it was sweet obedience.

I called for Benjamin.

He saw me.

He stared.

He refused to budge an inch.

I finally grabbed  him by the arm.

He wrenched his arm away.

I grabbed him by the ear.

We got about five feet and I realized I still had to pick up the diaper bag.

I let go of Benjamin and proceeded down the hallway.  I expected my children to follow me.  I didn’t realize until after I was done with my lengthy conversation with the nursery worker that I was short one child.

I headed back to the toddler nursery.  I found him in a corner.  Looking up at me through a furrowed, stubborn brow.

I grabbed his ear.

Olivia was still throwing a fit.  But it was nothing compared to Benjamin’s.

And we walked out of the church, through the parking lot, and to the van that way.

I should add that I was limping.  From a running injury.  With the two crying children, the baby hanging off one arm, the 50lb diaper bag off the other.

And all this with a smile on my face.


Because the Bible study was called Wisdom for Mothers.

And I knew I was in the right place.