Sorry for the absence.  Levi spit up on my lappy and it hasn’t been working.  So think twice before leaning your four-month olds over the keyboards for their webcam close-ups with family and friends, mmk?

Tired.  I’m tired.

Being self-sustaining is exhausting.  Using cloth diapers, making wipe solution, washing and reusing baggies, homeschooling, hanging laundry to dry, making dinner from scratch every night – all things I’m passionate about.

But also things that take a lot of time and energy.

And sometimes I just want to throw out the dirty baggies.  Toss the clothes in the dryer.  Reach for the disposables.  Send my kids to preschool.  Plan to go out for dinner.  Lay down on the couch and take a good, long nap.

But we can’t afford any of that.  And I really don’t WANT any of that.  Well, besides the dryer.  Wish we could afford to use the dryer.

So I’m tired.

And I’m contemplating whether or not to even hit “Publish” since this post is so mopey and complainy and I’m really not normally even like this.  But in effort to dispel any rumors that I may be SuperMom… here I go.