Apparently, everyone who’s anyone is baking and bragging and blogging about it tomorrow.

And I wanna be someone.

So expect to see some baking and bragging and blogging on here tomorrow.

(And possibly the next day.)

The proposed plan:

  • Half-whole wheat waffles.  At least two batches.  Maybe three.  Maybe four.  My freezer is empty.  I have the room.  And the eggs.  And I hate cleaning that machine.
  • Granola. I can freeze this, too.  I totally should.  I’ll make at least a double batch.
  • Half-whole wheat honey oat flax bread.  I’m thinking just one loaf.  I like it fresh.  Unless you can convince me that freezing it will not affect the freshness.  Then I’ll make more.
  • Applesauce.  Apples were on sale for $0.98 for 3lb bags.  I got two bags.  Would have gotten more, but, ya know… the frugality and all.  (Two bags of baking apples, that is.  Two bags of eating apples as well.)
  • Apple pie.  Josh has been begging for it.  I hate that I’m making a pie when we have all this candy on the counter still.  But he’s been begging.
  • chocolate chip granola bars.  Because I need something healthier to snack on than Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
  • Zucchini bread.  For the freezer.

So, basically just breakfast/snack/dessert items for me tomorrow.  Unless I also stock up on bread.  Then I can say I’m making lunches ahead, too!

Hmmm, this is going to take some figuring out, what, with the oven being used constantly and the bread machine taking an hour and a half to complete the dough cycle… Sigh.  Math.

Anyone else out there doing Baking Day tomorrow?  What are you making?