My top ten reasons for not going to bed:
- It’s finally quiet.
- I have next-to-no fear of being interrupted.
- My brain can see straight. (This is a result of numbers 1 and 2).
- I just meant to do one thing, but that reminded me I had wanted to make a Facebook Page, and then I looked around and noted my website is so 2007 and I really need a new design, so I was looking at various sites and realized it was Top Ten Tuesday and I bet I could whip one of those up pretty quickly…
- And here we are.
- I had a Cinnamon Dulce Latte.
- I haven’t done taxes yet and don’t want to. The guilt keeps me up. The procrastination keeps me on Twitter.
- I like responding to comments.
- Now I have to think of two more reasons. And I can’t possibly go to bed until I’ve done so. w00t! Down to one!
- I really have no idea how to properly work teh interwebz. As evidenced by the fact that I just spent 20 minutes trying to understand said Facebook Page a little more and ended up a little dumber. What a waste of time.
I’m going to bed! But, before, I go, lemme ask: what keeps you up at night? Answering silly questions on blogs? ME TOO! But that would be been 11 and I’m by no means an overachiever…
Why I stay up late at night? I generally don’t. I get up early for hubby’s work, then straight off to my own job and back by 5pm. In bed by 10pm max. And THEN – THE FUN STARTS. No no, not that kinda fun… the kind where new baby, due Aug, kicks Momma in the gut at 2am. And momma can’t get to sleep again… and lies there… wondering what the world is up to. And this leads to posting a comment on your blog when I have 15 mins of work left (Australia time) cause my brain to fried to make any more work related decisions.
That’s what keeps ME up. 😉
Hope you sleep/slept well.
I’m usually up late (which, for me, is past 10) because I have a good book!
Funny list!! 🙂
LOL… it’s amazing how that “one more little thing” can result in going to bed HOURS later! I used to be a night owl (am naturally by default), but I found that I’m a much happier person when I go to bed earlier and get up BEFORE my children in the morning. I try to stay off the computer/internet after 8pm, otherwise I can get sucked in til the wee hours of the morning.
LOL! I hear you! It’s so quiet I wanna stay up! But those 6:30 wake up times keep me going to bed late! 🙂
Thanks for linking up!
Yes, yes, yes and yes. I’m totally with you. It’s how you and I were the first 2 on the link up. Because we were up way too late!
I stay up late because I love the quiet! Finally I can putter around uninterrupted. But it comes at a great cost to tomorrow, and I pay for that dearly. UGH.
You should submit this post to: on Friday!
Hey, thanks Kacie!
I stay up late even though I KNOW I am exhausted from not sleeping for the last 4 months. And it’s entirely because that is the only time I have to myself where the kids will probably stay asleep and I can think and write.
But this morning I am really regretting not sleeping til midnight. Because I pretty much only slept from midnight to 2 a.m.
Haha! These are fabulous!
My number one culprit for staying up late. My husband, the night owl. And Seinfeld reruns. Or HGTV. Gets me every time.
Good luck with the facebook page! I created one a couple months ago and then totally forgot about it. What a disappointment to my two followers. 😛 I actually gave up staying late for Lent, and it’s been an interesting journey. But I am SO with you about loving all that uninterrupted time!
Oh dear! Ugh. I’m sorry. :-\ Will you still be working when the baby comes? Will you be able to nap with her? (him?) Being sleep deprived AND pregnant is NO FUN! How far along are you?
Oooh, yes. Never underestimate the power of a good book! I’ve forced myself to put one down and go to bed, only to lay there wondering, “What will happen next?!” It’s lose/lose. 😀
I used to get up early. But that was to run. And I would sometimes wake the baby when I got up (He sleeps with us. And, okay, he’s 21 months. :-P) and I felt bad making my husband get up to take care of him. Since Levi’s deepest sleep is the first few hours at night, and he sleeps really lightly in the early mornings and won’t let me leave, I tend to stay up late and sleep in with him! And as I’m naturally a nightowl, it works… as long as I’ve got coffee the next morning, lol!
Ugh, if I had to get up at 6:30 every morning, I wouldn’t be up at 1am, you can (almost) guarantee! And you’re welcome; thanks for providing the fun meme!
Haha! I did see you there, but convinced myself it was TOO LATE to start clicking around anymore. I forced myself to SHUT THE LAPTOP AND GO TO BED. 🙂
I hear ya! I’m sitting here trying to form a coherant reply with many a voice in the background and… what was I saying? Oh! It’s not easy!!
OOOh! I WILL submit this again on Friday! Too fun!! And I can’t believe you only got 2 hours of sleep! Poor thing!! And!! I’m using!!! a lot!!!!! of exclamation points. (Side effect of coffee?)
If my husband would stay up with me, no blogging would get done. But we would most definitely exhaust all the Scrubs episodes Netflix has to offer!
Oh, Lent. A time of rearranging priorities. Love/hate it. Lol. (I gave up desserts. I have a birthday cake with buttercream frosting sitting on my table. It’s been there a week and a half. But Jesus gave up more.) And I can understand not having the time to deal with a Facebook page when you don’t have your late nights! Lol, that’s my productive time!! 🙂
Funny List!
The reason I stay up late is usually because I’m trying to finish up 50 different things resulting in me getting stressed enough where nothing gets done. You’ll find me playing Farmville or Zombie Lane on Facebook when I’m procrastinating.. lol >.>
(did I just admit that? hehe)
24 weeks today… stopping work at about 35 weeks so just a smidge more to go! 🙂 Taking it in my stride tho… if sleeping badly is my worst problem well hey, I’m lucky!! 🙂
My husband keeps me up late. and by late I mean 11. I don’t make it up past then too often. Luckily for me I normally have quiet time from at least 8:30-9 until I go to bed.
but I agree with that “I just have to do one more thing” then it leads to this and that and this and that…
I stay up late for the peace and quiet too. My mind just feels more alive at night! I’ve always been this way. In all my years of school and working, I’ve NEVER been able to get up out of bed easily in the mornings.
Ah, yes, your list rings true. When my boys are in bed and the house is quiet, I can finally focus on writing/blogging/looking up vintage tablecloths on Ebay/doing other absolutely essential tasks. I stay awake ’till I drop, then the next morning I prop myself up with far too much Peet’s coffee. The next evening, the cycle repeats itself. Sigh. One of these days, I’ll get smart and get my eight hours!
I’m just looking at the clock now and once again the night has raced past. And once again I will be tired in the morning when my 20 month old starts bouncing on my head!