Rohan's Owl

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My top ten reasons for not going to bed:

  1. It’s finally quiet.
  2. I have next-to-no fear of being interrupted.
  3. My brain can see straight.  (This is a result of numbers 1 and 2).
  4. I just meant to do one thing, but that reminded me I had wanted to make a Facebook Page, and then I looked around and noted my website is so 2007 and I really need a new design, so I was looking at various sites and realized it was Top Ten Tuesday and I bet I could whip one of those up pretty quickly…
  5. And here we are.
  6. I had a Cinnamon Dulce Latte.
  7. I haven’t done taxes yet and don’t want to.  The guilt keeps me up.  The procrastination keeps me on Twitter.
  8. I like responding to comments.
  9. Now I have to think of two more reasons.  And I can’t possibly go to bed until I’ve done so.  w00t! Down to one!
  10. I really have no idea how to properly work teh interwebz.  As evidenced by the fact that I just spent 20 minutes trying to understand said Facebook Page a little more and ended up a little dumber.  What a waste of time.

I’m going to bed!  But, before, I go, lemme ask:  what keeps you up at night?  Answering silly questions on blogs?  ME TOO!  But that would be been 11 and I’m by no means an overachiever…
