I didn’t un-bury my real camera until Texas.  Sorry Nashville, Missouri, and Oklahoma.  Pleases find it in your Bible Belt hearts to forgive me.

This is Josh and his Opa playing a nice, quiet, uninterrupted game of pool.

Seconds later…

… the kids…

… had taken over.

I tried to take pictures of the natives.

They made it difficult.

Oma and Opa have a pool.  We enjoyed their pool.

I learned that stinkerness is an inherited genetic trait. (Opa is squirting Benjamin with a hose.)

Good thing that squirt gun doesn’t work.

Three generations of boys together.  If only Pop Pop had been there, it would have been four!

We went out to see the sights one day.  Can you find the elephant?  Levi now thinks all mountains are called elephants.  We’ve thoroughly confused him.

We got to see a museum and play in a little pueblo hut.

Aw, look at my little natives.

Grinding corn to make dinner.

I may be biased. But she’s gorgeous.

A big drum.

They enjoyed the big drum.

Outside the museum, we enjoyed the strange beautiful plants El Paso has to offer.

On a big rock, looking pretty.

On a big rock, being silly.

On a little rock, being pouty and tired.

Sister will cheer you up.

Well, you’re up, anyway!

Oma loved reading to Olivia and Olivia couldn’t get enough!

Oh, look, we’re back in the pool.  And, what’s this?  All three floating by themselves?!

Our most accomplished swimmer.  She’s not afraid to jump right in!  She even dog paddles!

Look at Levi go!  Little motor boat.  🙂


Well, we had to hit the road again, but we stopped for this awesome cactus!

And we made it!  In San Diego, safe and sound.  We made sure to go to the beach that first day, too.

And use our buckets!

Here we are!